Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day! And a new manga.

In honor of Father's Day, I drew this for my father. He's the guy everyone calls when they have a question about computers, or cars, or electrical issues, or pretty much makes my mother crazy sometimes, but she appreciates his efforts to serve others.

My freshman year in college, I was in multiple car accidents, all minor, one partially my fault. He kept my 1990 Honda Civic (affectionately named Sterling) running from my senior year of high school until I was able to sell it and buy my first new-ish car after I got my first real job out of college.

I learned most of my computer troubleshooting skills from him as well. 

A few years ago, he had a scary encounter with off-the-job chemical exposure that I have memorialized here. 

Thanks for everything you do for me, Dad!

Happy Father's Day from the Industrious Hygienist!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Thoughts from AIHce 2014 + a new manga!

Howdy, all! I recently returned from the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) in San Antonio, Texas. It was my first time at this conference, which is a little embarrassing since I am a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and have been practicing industrial hygiene for 8 years now. But conferences are expensive (!?!) and this year I was self-funded - paid my way entirely from my Spore Consulting, LLC budget. Yay for small business success!

I signed up for the Personal AIHce Liaison (PAL) program at AIHce, and, admittedly, had low hopes for the program. I thought, "Why would someone who has been coming to this conference for years want to hang out with silly little me and show me the best things to do?" It is the first year for the PAL Program at AIHce, and in my opinion, it was a resounding success. My PAL checked in with me every day, made sure I knew when the "cool" parties were, introduced me to some spiffy new people, and even bought me lunch one day. 

To say thanks for my PAL's attention and efforts, and to remember the new colleagues I met, I drew a new manga. If you're new to this blog, the art (actual drawing) is mine, but the character stylings are borrowed from Hiromu Arakawa and Fullmetal Alchemist - my most favorite manga and anime. 

The Personal AIHce Liason (PAL) Program at AIHce 2014 was great!